The Best Credit Union Checking Account Features
When you’re looking for a free checking account that you will use for all of your daily transactions and monthly expenses, you should be looking for many different features. The end goal is having a checking account that will work for you. Whether you are a college student, busy parent, or chasing your budding career, you’ll need a flexible account with features that align with your lifestyle.
 Some credit union checking account features you should look for include:
Surcharge-Free ATM Access
Being able to access cash is a necessity. Many ATMs charge anywhere from $2.00 to $5.00 to make a withdrawal — this can add up over time. So, the first thing you'll want to do is make sure you’ll have access to surcharge-free ATMs in your area or free access to a large network of ATMs for when you’re traveling.
Limited Fees
Most big banks are notorious for various account fees that are assessed to provide income for the bank at the customer’s expense. Some banks charge a maintenance fee, which the customer is charged just for having the account. Look for a free credit union checking account that does not charge a monthly maintenance fee or require a minimum balance.
Nationwide Access
While technology today may lessen the need to visit your financial institution’s physical location, it's a good feeling to know you have access to a service center when needed. Many credit unions are a part of the CO-OP Shared Branching network. This is a credit union network all over the country that enables you to conduct your financial transactions at other credit unions or ATMs just like you would at your own credit union. There are over 5,000 branches in the network nationwide.
Digital Wallet
Digital wallets make it safer and easier than ever to pay for your items. These are digital versions of your debit and credit cards that you store in an app on your smartphone or other mobile devices. Popular digital wallets include Apple Pay®, Google Payâ„¢, and Samsung Pay®. Because your personal information and card numbers aren’t stored, it provides more security than carrying around your cards in your wallet – you don’t give your physical card to anyone and the retailer receives only a transaction-specific code to process your payment.Â
Mobile Banking
It's a necessity to have immediate access to all your account information. Mobile banking allows you to check your account balance, transaction history, transfer funds, and much more, all conveniently from your mobile device. Additional features, such as mobile deposit, enable you to deposit checks into your account with your smart device.
Account Alerts
Another great feature to look for in a free checking account is Account Alerts. These can be customized to your specifications and sent to you via text alerts or email notifications. You can set these notifications up to alert you each time your account goes below a specific balance, a transaction is posted for a specific amount, when a deposit happens, and so much more.
Additional benefits you may seek in your free checking account might include:
- Free Online Bill Pay
- Fraud Protection
- Ability to Send Money to Others
- Budgeting Capabilities
CAMPUS Can Help!
The right free checking account can help you save more, and better manage your money day-to-day. CAMPUS offers a free checking account that provides security, convenience, and peace of mind. Stop by one of our convenient service center locations, or open a free checking account online today!
By CAMPUS USA at 9 Nov 2020, 16:18 PM